Diana fena sayılmaz, servisleri yeterli denebilir. Ama iletişim sıfır, İngilizce yok. Öpüşme yok. Bitse de gitsek havasındaydı. Tanışmış olduk, ilk ve son kez.
Diana's not bad enough, services. But communication is zero, no English. No kissing. I wish we'd better get in the mood too. We met before, once and for all.
Diana is not bad, the service can be called adequate. But communication is zero, no English. No kissing. Bits to leave, too, was in the air. We met the first and last time.
Diana%20fena%20count%C4%B1N/A, 20%%20services encore sufficient 20%.%20But 20message%%C5%9Film%20s%C4%B1f%C4%B1r, 20%%C4%B0english no 20%.%20%C3%96p%C3%BC%C5%9Fme 20%.%20Dies no 20de 20%%%20cultured people we%C4%B1ndayd%C4%B1. 20%%C4%from B1%C5%9Fm%C4%B1%C5%9F%20became the first of the 20%%20and the last 20%%20times.