Musul Türkler için önemlidir ve Türkler Musul'u terk etmedikçe Musul'un refaha ulaşması mümkün değildir. Musul Türkler'den, Türkler Musul'dan vazgeçmemek.
It is important for the Turks and Turks Mosul Mosul, it is not possible to reach prosperity of Mosul unless leave. From the Turks, Turks from Mosul Mosul is not to give up.
Mosul is important for Turkey and Turks to achieve prosperity unless they leave Mosul Mosul is not possible. Mosul from the Turks, the Turks to abandon Mosul.
It is important for the Turks in Mosul and the Turks did not leave the u of Mosul Mosul's it is not possible to reach the prosperity. In the Mosul Turks the Turks it worthwhile from the Mosul.