bir kere gidilip görülebilecek düzeyde birisi olan bu hatun bile saatine sekizyüz, iki saat binüçyüz çekiyor olaya bak. 600/1000 tarifesini uygulamayanları es geçiyorum şahsen. müşteri olmadığı zaman fiyat da düşer.
once-and-can be seen even on this chick, one time at level eight, draws two-hour look at binüç ADU. the application of 600/1000 pass personally. When customers price also falls.
One level can be seen navigating to eight hundred to watch even once this chick, two-hour look at the event attracts binüçyüz. I personally 600/1000 blowing past those tariff application. When the customer is the price drops.
Once a level of their visible even in this hatun is one of the eight hundred hours pulls the two hours to see the event binüçyüz Price list for 600/1000 uygulamayanları es so personally when it is not the customer and the price is reduced.